July 11, 1998
Queen's Champion: Krakken Gnashbone
King's Champion: Kai MacLain
May 29, 1999
Queen's Champion: Geoffrei St. Alban of Eastwood
King's Champion: Li Kung Lo
Balfar III and Luna III, June 3, 2000
King's Champion: Mark Squirrelsbane
Queen's Champion: Lorenzo il Confuso
Hanse and Olivia, June 16, 2001
Queen's Champion: Daniel Krakkenson
King's Champion: Herian Iarnsmidre
Darius and Roxane, July 20, 2002
Queen's Champion: Urho of the Pines
King's Champion: Calum Friseal
Darius II and Roxane II, May 24, 2003
Queen's Champion: Ramos da Vida
King's Champion: Rupert the Unbalanced
Gaufred Kelson and Geneviere, June 5, 2004
Queen's Champion: Peter the Red
King's Champion: Krakken Gnashbone
Youth Champion: Owen Huddleston
Gaufred Kelson II and Geneviere II, June 4, 2005
Queen's Champion: Rupert the Unbalanced
King's Champion: Alexis of Wood's End
Brion II and Anna II, June 17, 2006
Queen's Champion: Goyacle'
King's Champion: Urho of the Pines
Gryffith and Aikaterine, June 23, 2007
Queen's Champion: Rupert the Unbalanced
King's Champion: Lewin de Partone
Konrad and Brenwen, June 21, 2008
Queen's Champion: Owen de Hudelesdun
King's Champion: Urho of the Pines
Andreas IV and Gabriella II, June 20, 2009
King's Champion: Jacob Felinfoel
Queen's Champion: Radagast (of Settmour Swamp)
Edward and Marguerite, June 19, 2010
King's Champion: Rupert the Unbalanced
Queen's Champion: Hobbe Young
Lucan VIII and Jana V, June 18, 2011
King's Champion: Kusunoki Yoshimoto - called Yoshi
Queen's Champion: Kraken
If anyone knows of an Archery Champion prior to 1989, please let me know.
File created July 1, 2000