[A Book of Cookrye, by A. W., London, 1591.
Originally published 1584. STC 24897 -- Early English Text microfilms
reel 1613:9. Transcribed by Mark and Jane Waks.]
[Transcription note: in general, we have tried to maintain the original
spelling and punctuation of the source, but have not worried much about
layout. Separator lines denote page breaks in the original source.]
Very Necessary for
all such as delight
Gathered by A. W.
And now newlye enlarged with the serving in of the Table.
With the proper Sauces to each of them convenient.
Printed by Edward Allde. 1591.
The order how Meats should be served to the Table, with
their sauces
The First course.
Potage or stewed broth.
boiled meat or stewed meat.
Chickins and Bacon.
Powdred Beefe.
Pyes, Gooce, Pigge.
Rosted Beefe.
Rosted Veale.
The second course.
Rosted Lamb.
Rosted Capons.
Bakte Venison, Tart.
The service at Supper.
Potage or Sew.
A Sallet.
A Pigges petitoe.
Powdred Beef sliced.
A shoulder of mutton or a brest.
Vele, Lamb, Custard.
The second course.
Capons rosted.
Cunnies rosted.
Chickins rosted.
A Pye of Pigions or Chickins.
Baked Venison, Tarte.
The service at Dinner.
Brawne and Mustard.
Capons stewed in white broth.
A Pestell of Venison upon brewes.
A chine of Beef & a brest of mutton boild.
Chewets or Pyes of fine mutton.
Three green geese in a dish, sorrell sauce.
For a stubble goose, mustard and vinagre.
After Alhalowen daye a Swan, sauce Chaudron.
A Pigge.
A dubble Rib of Beef rosted, sauce Pepper and Vinagre.
A loyne of Veale or brest, sauce Orenges.
Half a Lamb or a Kid.
Two Capons rosted, sauce wine & salt,
Ale and Salt except it be upon sops.
Two Pasties of falow Deer in a Dish.
A Custard.
A Dish of Leash.
The second course.
Pecock, sauce wine and Salt.
Two Cunnies or half a dozen of rabbets.
sauce Mustard and Sugar.
Half a dozen of chickins upon sorrel sops.
Half a dozen of Pigions.
[Relationship of the columns in below table is a bit vague; middle
lines may have the wrong sauce.]
Mallard. |
Sauce Mustard and Vinagre. |
Teale. |
Gulles. |
Storke. |
Hernsew. |
Crane. |
Sauce Gallentine. |
Curlew. |
Bittur. |
Bustard. |
Fesand, sauce water and salt with Onions sliced.
Half a dozen of Woodcocks, sauce Mustard and Sugar.
Half a dozen of Partriges.
Half a dozen Railes sauced as the Fesand.
A dozen of Quailes.
A dish of Larkes.
A pasty of red Deere.
Tarte, Ginger bread, Fritters.
Service for Fish daies.
A Sallet with hard Egges.
Potage of sand Eeles and Lamprons.
Red Hering green broiled sugar strewed upon.
White Hering. |
Sauce Mustard. |
Ling. |
Haburdine. |
Salt salmon minced, sauce mustard and Vinagre and a little Sugar.
Powdred Cunger. |
Sauce Vinagre. |
Shad. |
Mackrel. |
Whiting, sauce with liver and mustard.
Plaice, sauce sarrel, or Wine and Salt, or Vinagre.
Thorne back, sauce Liver and Mustard, Pepper and Salt strewed upon
it after it is brused.
Fresh Cod, sauce Greensauce.
Bace, Mullet.
Eeles upon Sops.
Roches upon Sops.
Pike in Pike sauce.
Troit upon Sops.
Tench in Gelly or in Grissel.
The Second course.
Flounders in Pike sauce.
Fresh Salmon. |
Sauce Vinagre. |
Fresh Cunger. |
Brit. |
Turbut. |
Halibut. |
Bream upon sops.
Carp upon sops.
Soles or any other fish fried, sauce the dripping.
Rosted Lamprons. |
Sauce galentine. |
Rosted Porpos. |
Fresh Sturgion. |
Sauce Vinagre. |
Crevice. |
Crab. |
Shrimps. |
Baked Lamprye.
Tart. |
Cheese. |
Figges. |
Raisins. |
Apples. |
Peares. |
Almonds blanched.
To make sauce for capons or Turky Fowles
Take Onions and slice them thin, and boyle them in faire water till they
be boyled drye, and put some of the gravie unto them and pepper groce beaten.
Sauce for a roasted Stock Dove.
Take Onions and mince them not too small, and boile them in a little claret
Wine, and when they be boyled almoste dry, put therto Vinagre, Sugar, Pepper
and some of the gravy of the Stockdove.
To make sauce for a capon an other way.
Take Claret Wine, Rosewater, sliced Orenges, Sinamon and ginger, and lay
it upon Sops, and lay your Capon upon it.
Sauce for capons, Phesant, Partriges or Woodcocks.
Onions sliced very thin, faire water and pepper groce beaten.
Chauldron for a Swan.
Take white Bread and lay it in soke in some of the broth that the Giblets
be sod in, and straine it with some of the blood of the Swan, a little
peece of the Liver and red Wine, and make it somwhat thin, and put to it
Sinamon and ginger, pepper, Salt and Sugar, & boile it untill it be
somwhat thick, and put in two spoonfull of the gravye of the Swan, and
so serve it in saucers being warme.
Galandine for a crane or a Hearne or any other Foule that is black meat.
Toste Bread and lay it in soke in vinagre, and straine it with Vinagre
and a little Claret wine, boile it on a chafingdish of coles and put in
it sugar, Sinamon, and Ginger.
For Stewed and boyled Meates.
To stue a Capon.
Take the best of the Broth of the pot, and put it in a pipkin, and put
to it Corance and great raisins, Dates quartered and onions fine minced,
strayned bread & time, and let them boile well togither: when they
be well boyled, put in your prunes, season it with cloves, mace, pepper
and very little Salte, a spoonfull or two of Vergious, and let it not be
too thick. And your Capon being boyled in a pot by it selfe in fair
water & salt to keepe it faire, and thus you may boyle a Chicken, vele,
beef or mutton after this sort.
To stue a Capon in Lemmons.
Slice your Lemmons and put them in a platter, and put to them white Wine
and Rosewater, and so boile them and Sugar til they be tender. Then
the best of the broth wherin your Capon is boyled, and put thereto
whole Mace, whole pepper & red Corance, barberies, a little time, &
good store of Marow. Let them boile well togither til the broth be
almost boiled away that you have no more then will wette your Sops.
Then poure your Lemmons upon your Capon, & season your broth with Vergious
and Sugar, and put it upon your Capon also.
To boyle a Capon in white broth.
Boile your Capon in faire licour and cover it to keepe it white, but you
must boile none other meat with it, take the best of the broth, and as
much vergious as of the broth if your Vergious be not too sower, and put
therto whole mace, whole pepper, and a good handfull of Endive, Letuce
or borage, whether of them ye wil, small Raisins, Dates, Marow of marow
bones a little stick of whole Sinamon, the peele of an orenge. Then
put in a good peece of Sugar, and boile them well togither. Then
take two or three yolkes of egges sodden, and strain them, and thick it
withall, & boile your prunes
by themselves and lay upon your Capon poure your broth upon your Capon.
Thus maye you boyle any thing in white broth.
An other to boyle a capon in white broth.
First take Marow bones, breake them and boyle them and take out the marrowe.
Then seethe your Capon in the same licoure. Then take the best of
the licoure in a small Potte to make your broth withall. Then take
Corance, Dates and prunes, & boyle them in a pot by themselves till
they be plum, then take them up and put them into your brothe, then put
whole Mace to them and a good quantitie of beaten Ginger & some Salt.
Then put the Marow that you did take from the bones, and strain the yolkes
of Egges with Vinager, and put them into your broth with a good peece of
Sugar but after this it must not boyle: then take bread and cut therof
thin sippits, and lay them in the bottom of a dish. Then take sugar
and scrape it about the sides of the dish and lay theron your Capon, and
the fruit upon it and so serve it in.
To make Sops for a capon.
Take Tostes of Bread, Butter, Claret wine and slices of Orenges, and lay
them upon the Tostes and Sinamon Sugar and Ginger.
To make Sops for chickins.
Firste take Butter and melt it upon a Chafingdishe with Coales, and lay
in the Dish thinne Tostes of Bread, and make Sorrell sauce with Vergious
and Gooseberries, seeth them with a little vergious and lay them upon.
To boyle a capon in Browes.
You must boile your Capon with fat meat, then take the best of the broth
and put it in a pipkin, & put whole Mace to it, whole Pepper, some
red Corance, half as much white wine as you have of broth, good store of
Marowe and Dates, and scum them clean and keep your licour very cleere,
and season it with Vergious and Sugar, and then lay your Capon upon browes
finely cut, and so poure your broth upon it.
To boyle a Capon.
Take your Capon and boyle it tender, and take out a little of the broth
put it in a little pipkin with whole mace and a good deale of ginger,
and quartered Dates, and boyle your corance and prunes in very faire water
by themselves, for making of your broth black and thicken your broth with
yolks of egges and wine strained togither or a little Vergious, and let
your broth boile no more when you have thickened it, for it will quail.
Then cut sippits in a platter, and lay in your Capon, and laye your fruite
upon it, so dooing serve it out.
To boyle a Capon with Orenges or Lemmons.
Take your Capon and boyle him tender and take a little of the broth when
it is boyled and put it into a pipkin with Mace and Sugar a good deale,
and pare three Orenges and pil them and put them in your pipkin, and boile
them a little among your broth, and thicken it with wine and yolkes of
egges, and Sugar a good deale, and salt but a little, and set your broth
no more on the fire for quailing, and serve it without sippets.
To boyle a Cony with a Pudding in his Belly.
Take your Cony and fley him, & leave on the eares and wash it faire,
and take grated Bread, sweete Suet minced fiine, corance and some fine
hearbs, Peneriall; winter savery; percely, Spinage or beets, sweet margeram,
and chop your hearbs fine, and season it with Cloves, Mace and Sugar, a
little creame and salt and yolks of Egs, and Dates minst fine. Then
mingle all your stuf togither, and put it in your Rabets belly and sowe
it up with a thred, for the broth take mutton broth when it is boyled a
little, and put it in a pot wheras your Rabet may lye long waies in it,
and let your broth boile or ever you put it in, then put in Gooceberies
or els Grapes, corance and sweet Butter, Vergious, Salt, grated bread and
Sugar a little, and when it is boyled, lay it in a dish with Sops.
And so serve it in.
To boile Chickins or Capons.
First boile them in faire water til they be tender. Then take Bread
and steep it in the broth of them, and with the
yolks of foure or five Egges, & Vergious or white Wine straine
it and therewith season your broth and your Capon in it. Then take
Butter, persly and other smal herbs, and chop them into it.
And so serve them foorth upon sops of Bread.
To seeth chickins in Lettice.
Take a neck of Mutton with a marow bone, and so let it seethe, and scum
it clean and let it boyle well togither, and when it is enough: then take
out some of it and straine it, and put in your Chickins. Then take
a good many Letuce and wash them clean and put them in. Then take
a little white Bread and straine it and put it into the pot to thick it
withal. Then put a little whole mace to season it with Pepper and
Vergious, and a little sugar, and cut sops and lay them on, and put on
the marow and so serve them.
To boyle chickins with hearbs.
Take your Chickins and scalde them and trusse the wings on, & put their
feete under the wings of your Chickins, and set them on in a little pot
and scum them faire, when they have boyled: put in Spinage or Letuice a
good deale, and
Rosemary, sweet butter, vergious, salt and a little Sugar and strained
Bread, with a litle wine, and cut sippets, and serve it out.
So may you boyle Mutton, or Pigeons, or Conny.
To seeth Hennes and capons in Winter, in whitebroth.
Take a neck of mutton & a marow bone, and let them boile with the Hennes
togither, then take Carret roots, and put them into the pot, and then straine
a little bread to thick the pot withall and not too thicke, season it with
Pepper & vergious, and then cover them close and let them boyle togither,
then cut Sops and put the broth and the marrow above, and so serve them.
To stue capons.
Take the best of your mutton broth and put therto a little whole pepper,
and a little whole Mace, Parcely, and time, and boile them. Then
put in halfe a dish of sweet Butter, Vergious, and a peece of Sugar.
Then take a good quantitie of Gooseberies, and boyle them by themselves
in a little broth, and poure them upon your chickins, put into your broth
a spoonfull of yest.
To stue Sparrowes.
Take Ale and set it on the fire, and when it seetheth scum it, and then
put in your Sparrowes and small Raisins, Sugar and Sinamon, Ginger, and
Dates, and let them boyle togither, and then take marrows or Butter, and
a little vergious, and keepe it close. And when it is enough, make
Sops in Platters and serve them forth.
To stue Sparrowes.
Take good Ale a pottel, or after the quantities more or lesse by your discretion,
and set it over the fier to boyle, and put in your Sparowes and scum the
broth, then put therin Onions, Percely, Time, Rosemary chopped small, pepper
and Saffron, with Cloves and Mace, a fewe. And make sippets as you
doo for Fish, and laye the Sparrowes upon with the said broth, and in the
seething put in a peece of sweet Butter, and vergious if need be.
For to stue Larkes.
First take them and drawe them cleane, and cut off their feete, and then
take a good deale of wine in a platter, and take a good deale of marow,
and put it in the Wine and set them on a Chafing dish, and let them stew
there a good while, then take a quantitie
of smal Raisins, and wash them clean and put them into the broth, and
take a little sugar, and Sinamon, and a few crums of manchet bread, and
put them into the Larkes, and let them stue altogither, than take and cut
half a dosen Tostes, and lay them in a Platter, then put them in a dish
with broth, and serve them out.
To stue Sparrowes or Larkes.
Take the best of Mutton broth, and put it in a Pipkin, and put to it a
little whole Mace, whole Pepper, Claret wine, Marigolde leaves, Barberies,
Rosewater Vergious, Sugar, and Marrowe: or els sweet Butter. Perboile
the Larkes before and then boyle them in the same broth and lay them upon
To boile a Duck.
Seeth the Duck with some good marow bones or Mutton, and take the best
of the broth, and put therin a few Cloves, a good many sliced onions, and
let them boile well together till the Onions be tender, and then season
your broth with Vergious, and a little sugar & salt, and a little brused
pepper, take up your Duck and lay it upon sops and give it two slices upon
the brest, and stick it ful of cloves & pour the broth upon it.
To stue a wilde Mallard.
Take a wilde Mallard, with a peece of Mutton, and set him on the fire,
and let him seeth, and scum him cleane, then straine a little bread and
put it in, slice halfe a dozen of Onions, and take whole pepper and put
it in, and season it well with Vergious, and cover it close and let it
boyle till it be enough. Then put it in a platter and serve it without
To boyle Stockdoves.
Seethe them with Beefe or Mutton, take the best of the broth and put it
in a pipkin, and put thereunto Onions finelye minced, and a few Corance,
and so boyle them till they be very tender, and season them with vergious,
and a little sweet butter, and pour them upon your Stockdoves when they
be laid upon the Sops.
To stue a hinflank of Beefe without fruit.
Boyle your flank of Beef very tender, till the broth be almost consumed,
then put the broth into a pipkin, and put to it Onions, Caret roots shred
small, being tender sodden before, and pepper groce beaten, vergious, and
halfe a dish of sweet butter, and so lay it upon.
To stue a Neates foot.
First let your Neats foot be scalded and made cleane. Then take Onions,
slice them and boyle them well in faire water. Then take halfe water
and halfe Wine, so much as need to serve for the boiling of the Neats foot
(which will be soone enough) and put it in a pipkin, put therin some Cloves,
and a little whole pepper, and take the onions out of the water they were
sodden in, and put them into the same pipkin, and the Neats foote with
them till it be almost inough. Then take a little vergious, half
a dish of sweet butter and a little sugar, and let them boyle a little
togither, and serve them in upon Sops.
An other to stue a Neats foot.
Boyle the Onions in Muscadell: and put therinto a fewe Corance, whole pepper
and cloves: then put in your Neats foot and boyle it tender and season
it with a good peece of butter, and when they be well boyled, lay them
upon sops and cast about your dish sides a little pouder of Ginger.
To boyle a Leg of Mutton with Lemmons.
When your mutton is half boyled, take it up, cut it in small peeces,
put it into a Pipkin and cover it close, and put therto the best of
the broth, as much as shall cover your Mutton, your Lemmons being sliced
very thin and quartered and corance: put in pepper groce beaten, and so
let them boile together, and when they be well boiled, seson it with a
little vergious, Sugar, Pepper groce beaten, and a little sanders, so lay
it in fine dishes upon sops, it wil make iv [4?] messe for the table.
To boile Mutton with Endive, Borage, or Lettice, or any kinde of hearbes
that may serve therunto.
When your Mutton is well boyled, take the best of the broth, and put it
in a Pipkin, and put therto an handfull of Endive, borage, or what herbs
you list, and cast therto a few corance, and let them boyle well, and put
therto a peece of upper crust of white bread, season it with pepper groce
beaten, and a little Vergious, and a little sugar, & so poure it upon
your meat.
To boile mutton for a sick body.
Put your mutton into a Pipkin, seeth it and scum it clean, and put therto
a crust of Bread. Fennell roots, Percely roots, Corance, great Raisins,
the stones taken out,
and hearbes according as the patient is. If they be colde, hot
hearbs may be borne: If they be hot colde herbs be best, as Endive, Sinamon,
violet leaves, and some Sorell: let them boyle togither. Then put
in Prunes, and a very little salt this is broth for a sick body.
To make balles of Mutton.
Take your Mutton and mince it very fine with Suet. Then season it
with Sugar, sinamon, Ginger, Cloves & Mace, Salt, and raw Egges.
Make it in round balles. Let your broth seeth ere you put them in.
Make your broth with Corance, dates quartered, whole Mace and salt.
Thick it with yolkes of Egges, and Vergious, and serve it upon Sops.
How to boyle Pigges Petitoes.
Take your Pigs feet, and the Liver and Lightes, and cut them in small peeces,
then take a little mutton broth and apples sliced, Corance, sweet butter,
vergious and grated bread, put them altogither in a little pipkin with
salt and Pepper, perboyle your petitoes or ever you put them in your Pipkin,
then when they be ready, serve them upon sippets.
To still a cock for a weake body that is consumed.
Take a red Cock that is not too olde, and beate him to death, and when
he is dead, fley him and quarter him in small peeces, and bruse the bones
everye one of them. Then take roots of Fenell, persely, and succory,
Violet leaves, and a good quantitye of Borage, put the Cock in an earthen
pipkin and betweene everye quarter some rootes, hearbes, corance, whole
mace, Anis seeds, being fine rubbed, and Licorice being scraped and sliced,
and so fill your pipkin with al the quarters of the Cocke, put in a quarter
of a pinte of Rosewater, a pinte of white wine, two or three Dates.
If you put in a peece of golde, it will be the better, and halfe a pound
of prunes, and lay a cover upon it, and stop it with dough, and set the
pipkin in a pot of seething water, and so let it seethe twelve houres with
a fire under the brasse pot that it standeth in, and the pot kept with
licour twelve houres.
When it hath sodden so many houres, then take out the pipkin, pul it
open, and put the broth faire into a pot, give it unto the weak person
morning and evening.
To make a Hodgepodge.
Boyle a neck of Mutton or a fat rump of Beef, and when it is well boyled,
take the best of the broth and put it into a pipkin and put a good many
onyons to it, two handfull of marigold flowers, and a handful of percely
fine picked and groce shredde and not too small, and so boyle them in the
broth and thicke it with strained bread, putting therin groce beaten pepper,
and a spoonfull of Vinagre, and let it boyle somwhat thick and so lay it
upon your meat.
To make puddings of a Swine.
Take the blood of the Swine, and swing it, then put therto minced onions
largely with Salt, and the Suet of the Hog minced. Then take the
guts clean washed, and stuffe them with the aforesaid stuffe: and so seeth
them, then broile them upon the coles, and serve them foorth.
To make white Puddings of the Hogges Liuer.
You must perboile the Liuer, and beate it in a morter, and then straine
it with Creame, and put therto six yolks of Egges and the white of two
Egs, and grate halfe
a halfepenny loafe of light Bread, and put it therto with small Raisins,
and Dates, Cloves, Mace, Sugar, Saffron, and the suet of Beefe.
Eisands with Otemeale grotes.
Take a pinte of Creame and seethe it, and when it is hot, put therto a
pinte of Otemeale grotes, and let them soke in it all night, and put therto
viii. yolks of egs, and a little Pepper, Cloves, mace, and saffron, and
a good deale of Suet of beefe, and small Raisins and Dates, and a little
To make Liverings of a Swine.
First perboile the Liver, then stamp it in a Morter, and when it is small
inough, put it in a vessell, and put to it suet, yolkes of Egges, pepper,
cloves, Mace and Salt. Then take your Guts cleane washed, and stuffe
them with the foresaide stuffe, then boyle them, that doon serve them forth.
How to make a Pudding in a Turnep root.
Take your Turnep root, and wash it fair in warm water, and scrape it faire
and make it hollow as you doo a Carret roote, and make your stuffe of grated
bread, and Apples chopt fine, then take Corance, and
hard Egs, and season it with Sugar Sinamon, and Ginger, and yolks of
hard egs and so temper your stuffe, and put it into the Turnep, then take
faire water, and set it on the fire, and let it boyle or ever you put in
your Turneps, then put in a good peece of sweet Butter, and Claret Wine,
and a little Vinagre, and Rosemarye, and whole Mace, Sugar, and Corance,
and Dates quartered, and when they are boyled inough, then willl they be
tender, then serve it in.
A Pudding in Egges.
Take and boyle your Egges hard, and blanch them, and cut off the Crowne
of them, and take then of the yolks and chop them, Beetes boyled, and yolkes
of hard egges, grated Bread, and Corance, Salte Sugar, Sinamon, and Ginger,
and then put the yolkes of rawe Egges, and mingle them altogither, then
put in your Egges, then for your broth take a little Mutton broth, Corance,
Dates, Sugar, a little salt and butter, thicken it with yolks of Egs, vergious
and a little sugar, so serve it in.
A Pudding in a Tench.
Take your Tench and drawe it very cleane, and cut it not overlowe.
take beets boiled, or Spinage, and choppe it with yolks of hard Egges,
Corance, grated Bread, salt, Pepper, Sugar and Sinamon, and yolks of raw
Egges, and mingle it togither, and put it in the Tenches bellye, then put
it in a platter with faire water and sweet butter, and turn it in the Platter,
and set it in the Oven, and when it is inough, serve it in with sippits
and poure the licour that it was boiled in upon it.
To make a pudding in a Carret root.
Take your Carret root and scrape it fair, then take a fine knife and cut
out all the meat that is within the roote, and make it hollow, then make
your pudding stuffe of the liver of a gooce or of a Pig, with grated bread,
Corance, Cloves and mace, Dates, Pepper, Salt and Sugar, chop your Liver
very small, and perboile it ere you chop it, so doon, put it in your hollow
root. As for the broth, take mutton broth with corance, carets sliste,
salt, whole Mace, sweet Butter, Vergious and grated bread, and so serve
it forth upon sippets.
A Pudding in a Cowcumber.
Take your Cowcumber and cut out all the meat that is within it, then take
Liver of a Lamb or Pigge, and Grapes or Gooceberies, and grated bread,
pepper, salt, Cloves and mace, and a little suet, and the yolkes of three
Egs, and mingle altogither and put in the Cowcumber, and let your broth
boile or ever you put it in: the broth must be made of Mutton broth, Vinagre,
and Butter, strained bread, and Salt, and so serve it out.
How to dresse Neatstungs.
First boile them till the be very tender, then make tostes of bread, and
toste them till they be very black, then wash the same tostes in faire
water, and put them in a faire earthen Vessell, and then put to them flesh
broth, Vinagre, red Wine, Sinamon and Ginger, and straine these altogither,
so that it be not too thick, and put therto Sugar and salt, and boyle all
these togither, then cut your tungs in faire leshes, and so frye them in
sweet Butter, and that doone, put the Leshes into your sauce, and then
let them boile well togither, and so serve them with the same sauce.
A broth for a Neatstung.
Take Claret wine, grated Bread, Corance, sweete Butter, Sugar, and Sinamon,
boyle them altogither. Then take the Neats tung and slice it
and so lay it in your dish with sippets and serve it in.
A boyled Sallet.
Take Spinage and boyle it and chop it, and when it is chopt, poure it in
a little Pipkin, with Corance, sweete Butter, Vinagre, and Sugar, boyle
them altogither, and when they are boyled put it in a dishe, and lay sippets
round about, and strew suger upon them and serve them out.
For Fish.
To seethe a Pike.
Scoure your Pike with bay Salte, and then open him on the back, faire washe
him, and then cast a little white Salte upon him. Set on faire water
wel seasoned with Salte. When this licoour seetheth, then put in
your Pike and fair scum it, then take the best of the broth when it is
sodden, and put it in a little Chafer or Pipkin, and put therto parcely
and a little Time, Rosemary, whole Mace, good Yest, and half as much Vergious
as you have licour, and boile them togither, and put in the Liver of the
and the kell, being clean scaled and washed, and let them boyle well,
then season your broth with pepper groce beaten, with salt not too much,
because your licour is Salte that your Pike is boyled in, put therein a
good peece of sweete Butter, and season it with a little Sugar that it
be neither tooo sharpen nor too sweet. So take up your pike and laye
it upon Sops the skinny side upward, and so lay your broth upon it.
A Pike sauce for a Pike, Bream, Perch, roch, Carp, Flounders, and all manner
of Brooke fish.
Take a posie of Rosemary and Time, and binde them together, and put in
also a quantity of Parcelye not bound, and put it into a Cauldron of water,
salte, and Yest, and the hearbes, and let them boyle a prettie while, then
put in the Fishe, and a good quantitie of Butter, and let them boyle a
good while, and you shall have your Pyke Sauce. For all these Fishes
above written if they must be broyled: take sauce for them, Butter, Pepper
and Vinagre, and boyle it upon a chafingdish, and then lay the broyled
fish upon the dish, but for Eeles and fresh Salmon nothing
but pepper and Vinagre over-boyled, and also if you will frye them,
you must take a good quantity of Percely, after the Fish is fryed, put
in the percelye into the Frying pan, and let it frye in the butter, then
take it up and put it on the fryed Fish, as fryed Plaice, Whiting, and
such other fish, except Eeles, fresh Salmon and Cunger, which be never
fried, but baked, broiled, roasted and sodden.
How to seeth a Carpe.
Cut the throat of your Carp, & save the blood in a saucer, and take
your Carpe and scoure him with Salt, take out the gal and the Guts, and
leave the Liver and the fat in the belly of the Carp, set on your licour,
water and Salt to seeth him, and when your licour seethes, put in your
carp or ever he be dead, and take good heede for springing out of the Pan,
for it is ever good to seethe fish quick, for it maketh the fish to eat
Take the best of the broth and a little red Wine, good store of Vergious,
new yest, with the blood of the Carp strained, and so put it in a Pipkin
with Corance, whole Pepper, and boyle them altogither, put therto half
a dish of sweet butter, and a little time, and Barberies if you have them,
and when they be well boyled, season it not too sweet nor too sharpe,
and then poure it upon your Carpe.
To seeth Roches, Flounders, or Eeles.
Make ye good broth with new yest, put therin vergious, salt, percely, a
little Time, and not much rosemary and pepper, so set it upon the fire
and boile it, and when it is well boyled put in the Roches, Flounders,
Eeles and a little sweet butter.
To seeth a Gurnard.
Open your Gurnard in the back, and faire wash and seeth it in water &
Salt, with the fishy side upward, and when it is well sod, take some of
the best of the broth if you will, or els a little fair water, and put
to it new yest, a little vergious, percely, rosemary, a little time, a
peece of sweet butter, and whole Mace, and let it boyle in a pipkin by
it self till it be well boyled, and then when you serve in your Gurnard,
poure the same broth upon it.
To seeth a Dory or Mullet.
Make your broth light with yest, somewhat savery with salt, and put therin
a little Rosemary, and when it seethes put in your fish and let it seeth
very softly, take faire water and vergious a like much, and
put therto a little new Yest, corance, whole pepper and
a little Mace, and Dates shred very fine, and boyle them wel togither,
and when they be well boyled, take the best of your broth that your fish
is sodden in, and put to it strawberyes, gooseberyes, or barberyes, sweet
Butter, some Sugar, and so season up your broth, and poure upon your Dorry
or Mullet.
To seeth Turbut or Cunger.
Set on water and salt, and season it wel, if the Turbut be great quarter
him into foure quarters, if he be small, cut him but in halfe, if it be
a Burt, seethe it whole after this sort. When your licour doth seeth,
put in your fish and let it seeth very softly till it be sodden enough,
and when it is sodden, take it not up till the licour be colde. Then
take halfe white Wine, with Vinagre and the broth that it was sodden in,
and lay the fish in it to souce, Cungar, Sturgion, and all Fish that is
to be souced, in like manner saving you must seethe your Sturgion in water
and Salte, and souce it with white Wine.
How to seeth Shrimps.
Take halfe water and halfe beere or Ale, and some salt good and savery,
and set it
on the fire and faire scum it, and when it seetheth a full wallop,
put in your Shrimpes faire washed, and seethe them with a quick fire, scum
them very clean, and let them have but two walmes, then take them up with
a scummer, and lay them upon a fair white cloth, and sprinkle a little
white salt upon them.
Bake Meates.
For fine Pyes of Veale or Mutton.
Perboyle your meat and shredde it fine, and shred your Suet by it selfe.
When your Suet is fine shred put it to your Mutton or Veale and mince them
togither, put therto halfe a dozen yolkes of Egges being hard sodden and
fine minced, small Corance, dates fine minced, season it with cloves and
mace, Sinamon and Ginger, a very little Pepper, a handfull of Carowaies,
Sugar and Vergious, and some Salt, and so put it into your paste being
Chewets or Trunk pyes.
For Pyes of Mutton or Beefe.
Shred your meat and Suet togither fine, season it with cloves, mace, Pepper,
same Saffron, great Raisins, Corance and prunes, and so put it into
your Pyes.
To bake a Neatstung.
Seeth your Neats tung very tender and slice it diamond slices, wash it
with vergious, season it with Pepper and salt, sinamon and ginger, then
lay it into your coffin with Corance, whole Mace, Onions being very small
minced, with Marow or else very sweet butter, some Sugar & some dates
being very small minced, and put therein some vergious.
To bake a Pigge.
Take your Pig and flea it, and draw out all that clean which is in his
bellye, and wash him clean, and perboyle him, season it with Cloves, mace,
nutmegs, pepper & salt, and so lay him in the paste with good store
of Butter, then set it in the Oven till it be baked inough.
To bake a gammon of Bacon.
Take your Bacon and boyle it, and stuffe it with Parcely and Sage, and
yolks of hard Egges, and when it is boyled, stuffe it and let it boyle
againe, season it with Pepper, cloves and mace, whole cloves stick fast
in, so then lay it in your paste with salt butter.
To bake Chickins.
Season them with cloves, mace, sinamon ginger, and some pepper, so put
them into your coffin, and put therto corance dates Prunes, and sweet Butter,
or els Marow, and when they be halfe baked, put in some sirup of vergious,
and some sugar, shake them togither and set them into the oven again.
Bake Sparowes, Larkes, or any kinde of small birds, calves feet or
sheepes tunges after the same manner.
To make a Chickin Pye.
Scalde the Chickins, draw them, and pull out the brest bones, then season
them with cloves and mace, Pepper and Salte, and if you have them grapes,
or gooseberies: when you have so doon, make paste of fine flower, and put
in your Chickins, and set them in the Oven, then boyle foure Egs hard,
then take the yolks and strain them with vergious, and put Sugar thereto
and put it into your chicken pye when it is half baked, and when it is
ready to be served in, annoint it over with butter, Sugar & rosewater,
then put it into the oven til you serve them in.
To bake Chickins without fruit.
Season your Chickins with cloves, mace and pepper, lay them into your paste
sweet butter, gooseberies, sugar and whole mace. And when they
be well baked, put therto vergious, yolkes of egges strained, shake them
togither and set them into the Oven againe.
To bake Pigeons.
Season them with Pepper, salte, and vergious, and lay them in your paste,
and put to them sweet Butter, gooseberies, and two or three spoonfull of
To bake Crane or Bustard.
First take him and perboyle him a little, and then take sweet Lard and
Lard him withall, then put it into the Coffin, and take Pepper and salt,
and season them togither and cast it upon it, and take butter, and put
it into the Coffin, and so let it bake the space of foure houres, and serve
them forth.
To bake Geece or Capons.
Season them with pepper and Salte, put Butter therto, and prick your goose
with some Cloves.
To bake Turky Fowles.
Cleve your Turkye foule on the back, and bruse al the bones. Season
it with Pepper groce beaten and salt, and put into it good store of Butter,
he must have five houres baking.
To bake Fesant or Partriges.
Bake your Fesant or Partridge as you doo your capon with Pepper and Salt,
and draw them with Lard if you wil, and put to them sweet Butter.
How to bake Sparrowes or other small birds.
Make paste of fine floure, egges, butter and faire water, therof make Coffins
then season your birds with sugar and ginger, then take good cheese clene
scraped and small minced with a little Butter, and put them into your coffins,
and put therto your birds, and close it till it be enough.
To bake Capons or Chickins.
Take paste as is aforesaid, and season the Capon with ginger, salt and
Vergious, then take Lard and mince it meetlye small, and put that first
into the Coffin, then put your Capon unto it with the brest downward, so
cover it and bake it, when it is almost enough, put into it the yolkes
of three or foure Egges strained through a strainer with a little vergious,
and so let it stand til it be inough.
To bake wilde Ducks.
When they be fair dressed and perboiled, season them with Pepper and Salt,
a few whole cloves amongst them, and
Onions small minced, and sweet butter, vergious and a little sugar.
For to bake Mallards.
First trusse them and perboyle them, and put them into the coffin, then
take pepper and Salt and season them and foure or five onions peeled and
sliced, and put them altogither with a good peece of sweet butter unto
the Mallards, and so let them bake two houres and when they be baked, put
in half a goblet of Vergious for every Mallard, and so serve them.
How to bake pyes of Calves feet.
Take Calves feet and wash them, boyle and blanch the haire of them, season
them with cloves and mace, and a little pepper, vergious and sugar, dates,
prunes, corance, and sweet butter, then make your paste of fine flower
with yolkes of Egges, and raise the Coffin square, when it if halfe baked,
then take it out and put in Vergious and sugar with the yolks of hard Egs
How to bake Conies, Rabets, or Hares, with fruit or without fruit.
Season them with Pepper and Salte, Cloves and mace, and so laye them into
your paste with Corance or Prunes, great
Raisins and if you will: butter and a little vergious.
To bake small meats.
Take Egges and seethe them hard, then take the yolkes out of them and braye
them in the morter, and temper them with Creme, and then straine them,
and put to them Pepper, Saffron, Cloves, Maced, small raisins, Almonds
blanched and small shred and grated bread.
Take Peares also sodden in Ale, and bray and straine them with the
same Licour, and put therto Bastard and Honny, and put it into a pan and
stir it on the fire til it be wel sodden, then make little coffins and
set them in the Oven til they be hard, and then take them out againe, and
put the foresaid licour into them and so serve them forth.
To make small bake meats of Sirup and Peares.
Take Peares and seethe them in Ale, then bray them and straine them and
put Sanders to them and Ale, with the spices aforesaide, and the Coffins
in likewise ordered, and so put in the sirup.
How to bake Venison.
When it is perboiled, season it with Salt and Pepper somewhat groce
beaten, and a little Ginger, and good store of sweet Butter,
and when the Venison is tender baked put to it half a dozen spoonfull of
Claret wine and shake it well togither.
To bake Venison to eat hot.
Cut the Venison in faire peeces, in quantitie as you will have your pasties,
and perboyle it, that doon stick the grain side ful of Cloves, and Lard
the lean side with good lard, and season it with pepper, salt, and all
manner of spices; then put the grained side of the venison downwards into
the coffin of brown paste, and so close it and bake it, and when it is
open turn the grain side upward.
To bake Venison to eat colde.
Take Venison and cut it as the graine goeth, and cut it in quantity as
ye wil have your Pasties, and perboile it in faire water, then take Lard
and cut it in length of your flesh, and therwith lard it as thicke as you
can, so that one peece of the Larde touch not an other. Then take
all manner of spices, salt, and Vinagre, that doon, put it into brown paste
and bake it.
To bake Venison of red Deere.
Laye it in water, and then wash it very clean out of the water, if it be
clean draw it with Larde, then take meale and sift it,
and take faire licour and let it boile, & make your paste with
that, then take Beefe suet, mince it and beate it, drive out your paste
very thick, close it and let it bake six houres when it is half baked,
take Cloves & mace and Vinagre, and so boile them togither, put them
into your redde Deere, at a little hole made for that purpose. And
when you have so doon, stop the hole with some of the same dough, and then
set it in againe untill it be inough.
To bake Venison of Fallow Deere.
Lay it in water and wash it very clean, then perboile it, if it be of the
side, raise the skin of it: if it be of the haunch, presse it: season it
with pepper and salt, take good store of Dre Suet, and mince it very fine,
when you have minced it, beat it, then take Flower, butter and Egges and
make your paste stiffe, then drive it out, and then put in your suet and
Venison and close it, then take the yolk of an egge and a little beere,
and wet it over, and let it bake foure houres, and then serve it in.
To bake the Umbles of a Deere.
Mince them very small with Suet, and season them with Pepper, a little
Ginger, a little Sinamon and Corance, and out into your paste, and
when your pye is baked, put to it two spoonfuls of Claret wine, and shake
it well togither.
To bake a Pig like a Fawne.
Fley him when he is in the haire, season it with pepper and salt, Cloves
and mace, take Claret wine, Vergious, Rosewater, Sinamon, Ginger and Sugar,
boyle them togither, laye your Pig flat like a Fawne or a Kidde, and put
your sirup unto it and sweet butter, and so bake it leisurely.
To make Florentines.
Take Vele and some of the Kidney of the Loyne, or colde Veale roasted,
colde capon or Phesant, which of them you wil, and mince it very small
with sweet suet, put unto it two or three yolks of Egs, being hard sod,
Corance and dates small shred, season it with a little sinamon and ginger,
a very little cloves and mace, with a little Salte and sugar, a little
Time being finely shred. Make your paste fine with butter & yolkes
of Egs and Sugar, role it very thin and so lay it in a platter with butter
underneath: and so cut your cover and lay it upon it.
A Florentine of Flesh.
Take the Kidneies of Veale and chop them very small with Corance, dates,
sinamon and Ginger, Sugar, salt, and the yolks of three Egs, and mingle
altogither, and make a fine paste with yolks of egges, and butter, and
let there be Butter in your dishe bottome, then drive them to small Cakes,
and put one in the dish bottom, and lay your meat in, then lay your other
upon your meat, and close them togither, and cut the cover and it, when
it is baked then strew Sugar and serve it out.
A Florentine of Fish.
Take apples, grated bread, Corance, and chop your apples verye fine, and
mingle your stuffe with yolkes of Egs, and drive out your paste as you
do the other, put butter in your dish bottom and so serve it out.
To make Florentines with Eeles for Fish dayes.
Take great Eeles, fleye them and perboyle them a little, then take the
fishe from the bones, and mince it small with some Wardens amongst it to
make it to mince small, and season it with cloves and mace, pepper, Corance
and Dates, and when you lay it into your paste, take a little fine Sugar
and lay it upon before you cover it, and
when it is halfe baked or altogither, laye a peece of sweet Butter
upon cover, and a little rosewater and sugar. After the same manner,
minced pyes of Eeles.
To make a Florentine.
Take the Kidney of Veale and boyle it a little, choppe it very fine.
Then take Cloves, Mace and Pepper, and season it withall, then take an
ounce of Biskets and as much of Carowayes, and put into your stuffe, make
your paste of fine floure, butter Egges and Sugar and drive your paste
very thin, and lay a sheet of paste in a dish and under it lay a little
butter, and spread it abroad with your thumb, then lay your meat aloft
on it in the dishe, then make the other sheet and cut it and lay it upon
your meat. Then close it and cut it round about like a Starre, and
set it in the Oven and let it abide a quarter of an houre, then take it
out and wet it over with Butter, then cast sugar wet with rosewater upon
it, then set it into the Oven again a little while, then take it out and
serve it in.
How to make Chuets.
Take Veale and perboyle it and chop it very fine, take beefe Suet and mince
it fine, then take Prunes, Dates and
Corance, wash them very clean and put them into your meat, then take
Cloves, Mace, and pepper to season your meat withal and a little quantity
of salt, vergious and Sugar, two ounces of biskets, and as many of Carowaies,
this is the seasoning of your meat, then take fine flowre, yolkes of Egs,
and butter, a little quantitye of rosewater and sugar, then make little
coffins for your Chewets and let them bake a quarter of an houre, then
wet them over with butter, then strewe on Sugar and wet the Sugar with
a little Rosewater, and set them into the Oven again, then take and serve
five in a dish.
How to bake Vaunts.
Take the kidney of Veale and perboile it till it be tender, then take &
chop it small with the yolkes of three or foure Egs, then season it with
Dates small cut, small raisins, Ginger, Sugar, Sinamon, Saffron and a little
Salte, and for the paste to laye it in, Take a dozen of Egs both the white
and the yolkes, and beate them well togither, then take Butter and put
it into a frying pan, and fry them as thin as a pancake, then lay your
stuffe therin, and so frye them togither in a pan, then cast sugar and
Ginger upon it, and so serve it forth.
How to make Pescods.
First make short paste with yolks of egs, butter and a little sugar.
Then take for the stuffe, Marow, small raisins, dates, Sinamon, Sugar and
Ginger, and then frye them with sweet butter, and when you serve them,
cast on Sugar and Sinamon.
How to bake Eeles whole.
When they be fleyed & clean washed, season them with vergious, pepper,
and salt, Cloves and mace, and put to them corance, great Raisins and Prunes,
sweete butter and Vergious.
To bake Lamprons.
Faire scoure them or fleye them, and season them with pepper and Salt,
and put to them some onions, vergious, butter and Oisters.
How to bake Lamprons fine.
Put to them small Raisins and Onyons minced very fine, and dates minced
fine, a little whole Mace, some Prunes, if you will butter and vergious.
How to bake a Lamprey.
When you have fleied and washed it clean, season it with Pepper, and salt,
and make a light Gallandine and
put to it good store of butter, and after this sort you must make your
gallandine. Take white bread tostes and lay them in steep in Claret
wine, or else in vergious, & so strain them with vinagre, and make
it somewhat thin, and put sugar, Sinamon and ginger, and boyle it on a
Chafing dish of coles, this Galandine being not too thicke, put it into
your pye of Lampreye, and after this sort shall you bake Porpos or Puffins.
To bake Carp, Bream, Mullet, Pike, Trout, Roche or any other kinde of Fish.
Season them with Cloves and Mace, and pepper, and bake them with smal raisins,
sweete butter and Vergious, great raisins, and some prunes.
How to bake a Holybut head.
First water it till it be fresh then cut it in small peeces like Culpines
of an Eele, and season it with pepper & Saffron, cloves and mace, small
raisins & great, and meddle al these wel togither, and also put therto
a good messe of vergious, and so bake the same Fish.
How to bake Cunger.
Season it with pepper and salt and make your pies but even meet for one
gubbin, and put to it sweet butter, & let it not drye.
To bake a Stockfish.
Season your Stockfish with pepper & salt and lay it into the paste,
and put good store of butter to it, and shred onions small, and percely,
and cast it upon the stockfish, & put a little vergious unto it, and
bake it.
How to bake watered Herrings.
Let your Herrings be wel watered, and season them with Pepper and a little
Cloves and mace, and put unto them minced Onions, great raisins and small,
a little sweet butter, and a little sugar, and so bake them.
How to bake Custards.
Take to every pinte of Cream five Egs, and put in no whites, and straine
your Cream and Egges together, season it with Cloves & mace and sugar,
and when your paste is well hardened in the Oven, having small raisins
& dates put in your stuffe, and let it not bake too much, for much
baking will make your Custard to quaile, or els to fail. Doucets
after the same sort.
How to bake Wardens.
Core your wardens and pare them, and perboyle them and laye them in your
paste, and put in every warden where you take out the Core a Clove or twain,
put to
them Sugar, Ginger, Sinamon, more sinamon then ginger, make your crust
very fine and somewhat thick, and bake them leisurely.
How to bake Quinces.
Take half a pound of Sugar, and a dozen of Quinces and pare them, take
half an ounce of Sinamon and Ginger, take fine flower, sweet butter, and
Egges, and make your paste, then put in all your stuffe and close it up.
Another to bake Quinces.
Core your Quinces and fair pare them, perboyle them in seething licour,
Wine or water, or halfe wine and half water and season them with Sinamon
and sugar, and put halfe a dozen Cloves into your Pyes amongst them, and
halfe a dozen spoonful of rosewater, put in good of sugar. If you
will bake them a slighter waye, you maye put in Muscadell to spare Sugar.
How to bake Orenges.
Faire peele your Orenges, and pick away all the white that is under the
peele, and so lay them in fine paste, and put into them Sugar, very little
Sinamon or none at all, but a little Ginger and bake them very leisurely.
Roast Meates.
To roast Venison.
First perboile it, and then make it tender cast it into cold water, then
Lard it and roste it, and for sauce take broth, Vinagre, Pepper, Cloves
and mace, with a little salt and boile these togither and serve it upon
your Venison.
How to roast a Hare.
Wash him in faire water, then perboile him, and lay him in colde water
againe, then Larde him and roast him on a Broche, then to make sauce for
him, take red vinagre, Salt, Pepper, ginger, Cloves, Mace, and put them
togither, then mince apples and onions, and fry them in a Panne, then put
your sauce to them with a little sugar, and let them boyle well togither,
then baste it upon your Hare, and so serve it.
To roast a Capon.
You must roste a Capon with his head off, his wings and Legs on whole.
Roste a Phesant.
As a Capon, and when you serve him in, stick one of his fethers upon his
Partridge as a Phesant, but no Fether.
Roste a Quaile.
With his legs broken and knit one within an other.
Roast a Crane.
With his legs turned up behind him, his wings cut of at the ioynt next
the bodye, and then winde the neck about the broche, and put the bill into
his brest.
Heron, Curlew and Bitter, as a Crane: but the Bittures head must be of.
Roste a Plover.
With his head off, and his Legs turned upward upon his back.
Roast a Snite.
With his Bill put into his brest, and his Legs turned upward upon his brest.
To roast Woodcocks.
First pluck them and draw out the guts, leave the Liver still in them,
then stuffe them with lard chopped small, and Jenoper beryes, with his
bill put into his brest and his feet as the Snite, and so roast him on
a spit, and set under it a faire large pan with white wine in it, and chopped
Percely, Vinagre, salt and ginger, then make tostes of white bread, and
toste them upon a grediron, so that they be not brent, then put these tostes
in a dish, and lay your woodcocks upon them and put your sauce the same
broth upon them,
and so serve them forth.
To make Allowes of Eeles.
Take and splat an Eele by the back, and keepe the belly whole, and so take
out the bone, then take onions, percely, Time, and Rosemary chopped together,
and put therto pepper and salt, and a little Saffron, and so lay it upon
the Eeles, and then wrap it up in Culpines, and put them upon a spit and
so roast them.
To make a Frycase of colde Mutton or Veale.
Chop flesh small and fry it in sweet butter, and then put thereto a little
white wine, Salt, and Ginger, and serve it forth in faire dishes.
To make a Fricase of Goose giblets or Hennes, or Capons.
First cut them in prety peeces, and so boile them in water til they be
tender, then fry them in butter, and so serve them forth with powder of
Ginger and Salt.
To make a Fricase of a good Haddock or Whiting.
First seeth the fish and scum it, and pick out the bones, take Onions and
chop them small then fry them in Butter or Oyle till they be enough, and
put in your Fish, and
frye them till it be drye, that doon: serve it forth with pouder of
Ginger on it.
To fry Whitings.
First flay them and wash them clean and scale them, that doon, lap them
in floure and fry them in Butter and oyle. Then to serve them, mince
apples or onions and fry them, then put them into a vessel with white wine,
vergious, salt, pepper, cloves & mace, and boile them togither on the
Coles, and serve it upon the Whitings.
To fry a Codshead.
First cleve it in peeces and washe it clean and fry it in Butter or Oyle.
Then cut Onions in rundels and so frye them, that doon put them in a vessell,
and put to them red wine or vinagre, salt, ginger, sinamon, cloves &
mace, and boile all these well togither, and then serve it upon your cods
To make a Tarte of Cheese.
Take good fine paste and drive it as thin as you can. Then take cheese,
pare it, mince it, and braye it in a morter with the yolks of Egs til it
be like paste, then put it in a faire dish with clarified butter, and then
put it abroade into your paste and cover it with a faire cut cover,
and so bake it: that doon, serve it forth.
To make a Tarte of Prunes.
Take Prunes and wash them, then boile them with faire water, cut in halfe
a penny loaf of white bread, and take them out and straine them with Claret
wine, season it with sinamon, Ginger and Sugar, and a little Rosewater,
make the paste as fine as you can, and dry it, and fill it, and let it
drie in the oven, take it out and cast on it Biskets and Carawaies.
Tarts of Damsons without a cover.
Scalde your Damsons with rosewater in a Platter, and then strain them and
season them with sugar, sinamon, and ginger, and so make a Tart without
a Cover.
Tartes of Damsons with a cover.
Lay in your Damson whole, and so season them with sugar, Sinamon &
Ginger, and so lay on a cover.
Tartes of Cherries.
Pluck off your stalks and lay your Cherries into your paste and season
them with sugar, sinamon and ginger, and lay a cover upon them.
Tartes of Gooseberies.
Lay your Gooseberies in your crust, and put to them sinamon and Ginger,
Sugar and a few small raisins put among them, and cover them with a Cover.
Tartes of Apples with covers.
Mince your Apples very small, season them with Sugar, sinamon & ginger,
and laye thereon a faire cover, and dresse your cover when it is halfe
baked with Rosewater and Sugar.
Tartes of Apples without covers.
Boyle your Apples very tender in a little wine, or for lack of Wine Ale,
and then strain them with Sugar, sinamon and ginger. Make a tart
of it without a cover.
Tartes of Quinces without covers.
Straine your Quinces with some wine, when they be boiled tender, and an
apple with them, or two or three Wardens, straine them and season them
with Sugar, Sinamon and Ginger, and so make tarte without a cover.
Tarte of Quinces with covers.
When your Quinces be very tender and colde, mince with two or three Warden
amongst them and season them with sugar, sinamon and ginger, and so the
paste being very fine, lay a cover upon them.
How to make Tartes of Spinage.
Boyle your Spinage very tender, and three or foure apples with it, and
when it is very tender, straine it through a faire cloth, and then season
it with the yolk of an egge, Sugar, Sinamon, and Ginger.
Tartes of Borage after the same fashion.
Tartes of Eglentine berries.
Take the berries and picke out al the white within them, and boyle them
very tender in faire water, and when they be almost sod dry, put therin
wine, and three or foure Apples, and straine them, season them with sugar,
sinamon and ginger, so make a Tart without a cover.
Tarte of Strawberies.
Seson your Strawberyes with sugar, a very little Sinamon, a little ginger,
and so cover them with a cover, and you must lay upon the cover a morsell
of sweet Butter, Rosewater and Sugar, you may Ice the cover if you will,
you must make your Ice with the white of an egge beaten, and Rosewater
and Sugar.
How to make a Tart of Brier hips.
Take Hippes and washe them, and boyle them in Claret wine, and straine
them through a strainer, season them with Sinamon,
ginger and Sugar, and make your paste, and fill it with the same stuffe.
To make a Tart of Cream.
Take Creame and Egs and stir them, togither, and put them into a strainer
till the whay be come out, then strain it that it may be thick, season
it with Ginger, Sugar, and a little Saffron, and then make your paste with
flower, and dry your paste in the Oven, and then fill it, and set it into
the Oven to dry, and then take it out, and cast Sugar on it, and so serve
it forth.
How to make a good Marchpaine.
First take a pound of long smal almonds and blanch them in cold water,
and dry them as drye as you can, then grinde them small, and put no licour
to them but as you must needs to keepe them from oyling, and that licour
that you put in must be rosewater, in manner as you shall think good, but
wet your Pestel therin, when ye have beaten them fine, take halfe a pound
of Sugar and more, and see that it be beaten small in pouder, it must be
fine sugar, then put it to your Almonds and beate them altogither, when
they be beaten, take your wafers and cut them compasse round, and of the
bignes you will have your Marchpaine, and then
as soone as you can after the tempering of your stuffe, let it be put
in your paste, and strike it abroad with a flat stick as even as you can,
and pinch the very stuffe as it were an edge set upon, and then put a paper
under it, and set it upon a faire boord, and lay lattin Basin over it the
bottome upwarde, and then lay burning coles upon the bottom of the basin.
To see how it baketh, if it happen to bren too fast in some place, folde
papers as broad as the place is & lay it upon that place, and thus
with attending ye shal bake it a little more then a quarter of an houre,
and when it is wel baked, put on your gold and biskets, and stick in Comfits,
and so you shall make a good Marchpaine. Or ever that you bake it
you must cast on it fine Sugar and Rosewater that will make it look like
To make pottage of Cherries.
Fry white bread in butter til it be brown and so put it into a dish, then
take Cherries and take out the stones and frye them where you fried the
bread then put thereto Sugar, Ginger, and Sinamon, for lacke of broth,
take White or Claret Wine, boyle these togither, and that doon, serve them
upon your Tostes.
To poche Egges in broth.
Take faire licour and as much vergious, and new Yest, and put therin Corance,
whole mace, sweet butter and sugar a good handfull of white Beets, and
so boile them very tender, and so poche your Egs in faire water seething,
and laye them upon sops, and poure the broth and hearbs upon.
To boyle yong Peason or Beanes.
First shale them and seethe them in faire water, then take them out of
the water and put them into boyling milk, then take the yolks of Egs with
crums of bread, and ginger, and straine them thorow a strainer with the
said milk, then take chopped percely, Saffron and Salt, and serve it foorth
for Pottage.
To make carbonados of Mutton.
Cut a Leg of Mutton in thin fillets, and to make it tender chop it on both
the sides with the back of a knife, so that they be not chopped thorow,
then salt them well and lay them on a grediron, and broil them till they
be inough, and with Vinagre and minced onions serve them forth.
To make a Haggas of Almain.
Take two Buts of Mutton, and frye them well from Skinnes and senowes,
and mince it with suet as small as you can, then take Dates and mince
them smal, then take these Spices which follow, one ounce of Corance clean
washed, an ounce of Ginger and asmuch of pepper, and an ounce of Sugar
with the yolkes of eight or nine Egs, clean fryed from the whites.
Take also fine faire light bread grated, with a little Salt, and a portion
of Saffron, and boile al these togither, then row these Corance in Suet
of a Calfe or Sheepe, then put them into a frying pan, and so set them
into a hot oven, and when they be brown turne them, and when they be baked,
take them out and serve three in a dish.
To dresse Chickins upon Sorrell sops.
Take sorell and beat it in a morter, and put in Vergious and strain it
through a strainer, then cut fine Sops of white bread and lay them in a
dishe, and put the sorrell sauce to the bread, put sinamon, ginger, and
Sugar, with butter to your sauce, then roste your Chickins and serve them
How to make sops of Almain.
Take white wine with Beere or Ale, and put crums of white bread, yolks
of Egs
sugar and sinamon, with Salt and saffron, strain these and boile them
a little togither then cut white bread into your dishe, and put the pottage
to it, and so serve it foorth.
How to make Tostes.
Take the Kidneye of Vele when it is rosted, and chop it very fine, then
take and put it in a dish, put in the yolks of three egs, put in Sinamon,
Ginger and sugar, take a a little Rosewater and put to it, take white bread
and cut it like diamonds, and toste a little, set all your stuffe on a
Chafingdishe with Coles, and stirre it and spread it upon the Tostes, take
the yolke of an Egge, and with a fether baste them over, then bake them
in a pan and set them in a dishe, and cast Sugar on them.
To make Ielly.
Take Calves feete and fley them, and faire washe them, and set them on
to seethe in faire licour, and faire scum them, and when they be tender
sod, faire straine out the licour, and see your licour be verye cleere,
and put your licour into a pot, if there be a pottle of it, put a pottle
of claret wine unto it, and two pound Sugar, a quartern of sinamon, half
a quartern of ginger, an ounce of Nutmegs, an ounce of grains,
some long Pepper, a fewe Cloves whole, a few Coliander sads, a little
salt, Isonglasse being faire washed and laid in water a day before, Turnsole
being aired be the fier and dusted, and when they be wel sod, let it run
through a bag, and put two whites of Egs in the bag.
To make an Apple Moise.
Roste your Appples very fair, and when you have so doon, peele them and
strain them with the yolk of an Egge or twaine, and Rosewater, and boile
it on a Chafingdish of Coles with a peece of sweet Butter, put in sugar
and ginger, and when you lay it in your dish, cast sinamon & Sugar
on it.
To make a dish of Snow
Take a pottle of sweet thick Cream, and the white of eight Egs, and beate
them altogither with a spooone, then put them into your Creme with a dish
full of Rosewater and a dish full of Sugar withall, then take a stick and
make it clean, and then cut it in the end four square, and therwith beat
all the aforesaid things togither, and ever as it ariseth, take it off,
and put it into a Cullender, this doon, take a platter and set an Apple
in the midst of it, and stick a thick bush of Rosemary in the Apple.
Then cast
your Snow upon the Rosemary & fill your platter therwith, and if
you have wafers, cast some withall, and so serve them foorth.
To make white Ginger bread.
Take Gumma Dragagantis half an once, and steep it in rosewater two daies,
then put therto a pound of Sugar beaten & finely serced, and beate
them well together, so that it may be wrought like paste, then role it
then into two Cakes, then take a fewe Jordain almonds & blaunch them
in colde water, then dry them with a faire Cloth, and stampe them in a
morter very finelye, adding therto a little rosewater, beat finely also
the whitest Sugar you can get and searce it. Then take Ginger, pare
it and beat it very small and serce it, then put in sugar to the almonds
& beat them togither very well, then take it out and work it at your
pleasure, then lay it even upon one of your cakes, and cover it with an
other and when you put it in the molde, strewe fine ginger both above and
beneath, if you have not great store of Sugar, then take Rice and beat
it small and serce it, and put it into the Morter and beat them altogither.
To to make Bennets.
Put butter and water over the fier in a faire pain, and when it boyleth
put therto fine Flower and Salte, and so let them boyle, but stir them
well for brenning, and when it is wel thick, put it into an earthen pan,
then break Egs into it and boyle them so togither, than boyle a good quantitye
of Butter clarified over the fire, and with a spoone put in your other
stuffe and so frye them till they be browne, and that doone, serve them
foorth with Sugar on them.
How to make Pomages.
Take a quart of red wine or sweet wine, and v. or vi. well watrishe Apples,
pare them and cut them in peeces and cast away the cores, then put the
apples with the wine into a pot and boyle them on the fire till they be
tender, and take a manchet lofe and cut it in thin peeces and cast it into
the pot, then when the apples be tender, put to the, a quarter of a pound
of Sugar, but draw them through a strainer before, and also an ounce of
Sinamon, halfe a quarter of an ounce of ginger, and boyle al these togither
in a chafer or a pot, and then take them out again, and put them into a
faire bason or in a charger,
then make a dredge of sinamon, sugar and Ginger, but most of Sugar,
and dresse your Pomages in faire dishes, then cast in your dredge and serve
it out hot or colde.
To make Farts of Portingale.
Take a quart of life Hony, and set it upon the fire and when it seetheth
scum it clean, and then put in a certaine of fine Biskets well serced,
and some pouder of Cloves, some Ginger, and powder of sinamon, Annis seeds
and some Sugar, and let all these be well stirred upon the fire, til it
be as thicke as you thinke needfull, and for the paste for them take Flower
as finelye dressed as may be, and a good peece of sweet Butter, and woorke
all these same well togither, and not knead it.
A French Puffin.
Take and make a verye fine peece of paste with yolkes of Egs and sweete
butter and sugar: and drive your cakes very thin and fine, six or seaven,
and put butter molten betweene everye one of them, make your cakes little
round ones, and let there be a good deale of Butter in the dishe bottom
and then set them in the Oven till they be baked inough, then strew on
sugar upon it and serve it out.
A buttered Loafe.
Take very fine flowre and yolks of Egs, sweet butter, yest, cloves, mace,
sugar, sinamon, ginger, and woork it togither and make them in little loves,
and when they are baked inough, set a good deale of sweet butter upon a
chafingdish and coles, then cut your loaf in three peeces and butter it,
then strew sugar betwixt every peece and serve it out.
For brenning meats.
Take wine and good Ale, and fill them will togither and they will then
bren, and this is good for Sewes or dish meates, and all other meates that
a man will have brenning.
To make Almond Butter.
Blanch two pound of Almonds and bray them small in a Morter, but put no
Licour to them of a good while, but bray them as small as you can, and
when they be small inough, cast a little water to them into the Morter,
then draw them through a Strainer as you can, then put it into a faire
put with a quarter of a pound of sugar, and set it on the fire, but stir
it well for burning, and put in a little Salt, but not too much, and when
it boyleth take it from the fire,
and put to it a good quantitie of Damaske water or rosewater with an
eye of saffron, but not too much, then take a faire Cloth of an elle long,
and lay the butter upon it, and let the cloth be held strait, and draw
under the same cloth with a Ladle, that the water may come clean from it,
and then draw it above in the midst of the cloth, and knit the corners
of the cloth togither, and so hang it up and let it dry, and then dresse
it into dishes, and print it as you doo butter, and plant it with kernels
of Pomgranets, and so serve it foorth.
To make Almond milk hot.
Take blanched Almonds and bray them smal, then with faire water draw them
through a strainer, and make them not too thin nor too thick, and then
put them into a pot with a quarter of a pound of sugar and let them boile
over the fire, and when they boyle take them from the fire, then take a
manchet loaf and cut it in thin peeces, steep it in a pinte of White wine,
as Bastard, Tire, or Maulmsie, then cast it into Almond Milk and dresse
it in fair dishes, and so serve it foorth.
To make Ipocras.
Take a gallon of Wine, and an ounce of Sinamon, two ounces of Ginger,
and a pound of Sugar, twenty cloves brused, and twenty corns of pepper
groce beaten, and let all those soke one night, and let it run through
a bag.
To make Conserve of Quinces after the manner of Spaine.
Take six or seven pound of Quinces, and two gallons and a halfe of water,
and set your water on the fire till it be thorow warm, then put therto
the whites of two Egs, shels and all, and all to stir it with a stick,
and then let it stand upon the fire till it cast a great scum. Then
take of the said scum, and put therto five pound of Sugar, and let it stand
till it be molten, and a little while after, and then take it from the
fire, and let it run through a woollen cloth of Cotten, and then put in
your Quinces clean pared and the cores clean taken out, and so set them
upon the fier the space of an houre and a halfe, and then take them of
the fier, and strain them through a canvas cloth water and al, and then
set them upon the fire again & let them seethe the space of two houres
& a half, and all that time stir it with stickes with broade endes,
and to
know when it is inough, lay it upon a box lid, and when it commeth
up cleane it is enough.
To make Conserve of Orenges.
Take Orenges and pare them very thin the red of the out sides away and
quarter them in four, and take away the white of the inside, then seeth
them in faire water softlye for breaking, ofte change them in warm water
til they be lost: as the yelownes dooth seeth away, so weareth away the
bitternes, then take them out of the water and lay them in a fair vessell
that the water may run away from them, then beate them small with a spoone,
and put to every pound of Orenges one pound of sugar, and half a pound
of Rosewater, and boile them togither and box them.
To preserve Orenges.
Take your Pilles and water them two nights and one day and dry them clean
againe, and boyle them with a soft fire the space of one hower, then take
them out to coole, and make your sirrop half with rosewater and half with
that liquor & put double sugar to your Orenges, and when your sirup
is halfe sodden, then let your Orenges seethe one quarter of an houre more,
then take out your Orenges & let the sirop seeth
untill it rope, and when all is colde, then put your Orenges into the
sirrop: the white of an Egge and Sugar beaten togither, will make it to
To make sirup of Violets.
First gather a great quantitye of Violet flowers and picke them cleane
from the stalkes and set them on the fire, and put to them so much rosewater
as you think good then let them boyle altogither untill the colour be forth
of them, then take them of the fire and straine them through a fine cloth,
then put so much Sugar to them as you thing good, then set it againe to
the fire untill it be somewhat thick, and put it into a violl glasse.
To make Cherries in confection.
Take ripe and chosen cherries, cut of half the stalks and put them in a
frying pan over a soft fire, for every pound of Cheries strew upon them
a pound of good white sugar in pouder, seeth them so till the third part
be wasted, when they are sod put in a little Rosewater with a few cloves,
and sinamon beaten togither, then let them coole two or three houres, and
then put them into your pots.
To make Prunes in confection.
Take Prunes of damaske & do like with them as you did with cheries,
save that for every pound of Prunes take xii. ounces of sugar, and that
there must be wasted the fourth parte of the sirrup awaye, and that the
Cloves and Sinamon must be but half brused, or els both be a like.
Marmalade of Quinces or any other thing.
Take the Quinces and quarter them, and cut out the Cores and pare them
clean, and seeth them in faire water til they be very tender, then take
them with rosewater and strain them, and doo as is aforesaid in every thing.
To preserve Quinces.
Faire core your Quinces and seethe Licour upon the fire, and put in the
cores, and seeth them very well with two or three peeces of Quinces, and
then put in your Quinces, and let them boyle very softlye till they be
tender, then take up your quinces, and set them faire upon a cloth, and
let your Licour seethe a great while till it be somewhat high coloured
of the Quinces, and then when the licour is colde, and the Quinces be colde,
then put in your Quinces againe and so faire cover them.
These wil serve to bake or make tartes all the yere.
To preserve Orenges, Lemmons, and Pomecitrons.
First shave your Orenges finely, and put them into water two dayes and
two nights, changing your water three times a day then perboyle them in
three severall waters, then take so much water as you think convenient
for the quantity of your orenges then put in for every pound of Orenges,
one pound & a half of sugar into the water, and put in two whites of
Egs & beat them altogither, then set them on the fire in a brasse vessel,
and when they boile, scum them very clean, and cleane them through a Jellye
bag then set it on the fire & put in the orenges. Use walnuts
in like manner and use Lemmons & Pomecitrons in like sort, but they
must lye in water but one night.
To preserve all kind of fruits that they shall not break in the preserving.
Take a Platter that is plaine in the bottom and lay Sugar in the bottom,
then Cheries or any other fruit, and so between every row you lay, throw
sugar and set it upon a pots head, and cover it with a dish, and so let
it boyle.
[Herewith follows The Table of the thinges contained in this Booke -- that
is, the Table of Contents. For now, I'm not bothering to transcribe
it, since the page numbers aren't relevant anyway.]
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